Polly po-cket

Real Love for Racing Lovers in Real Racing 3

Among the numerous racing games in this modern century, Real Racing 3 is one of the finest in the group. Among these are the exceptional controls, immersive motion responses, and the use of real life racing attributes such as cars and tracks. If you would like to have an intensely outstanding racing game, Real Racing 3 is definitely the way to go.

Can I play the NASCAR show on Real Racing 3?

NASCAR is a part of many groups in the Motorsports section. Ahead of 2019, NASCAR cars were on the in-game shop. The bad news is that in January 2019, NASCAR cars were made unavailable in the game store and only the ones that have been able to purchase previously have NASCAR cars The license agreement for the usage of NASCAR content has finished. Currently, there's absolutely no way to obtain any NASCAR cars anymore.

What are the monies in Real Racing 3?

Race dollars, motorsports dollars, and gold coins are the currencies of Real Racing 3. These currencies are not the same and there are different ways of getting them. Among other things, if you finish certain races, advance in laps without bumping cars, and hiring a manager, you will have the ability to get R$. M$ is the newest money in the game and is basically a player's incentive to play Formula 1 and purchase its contents. Lastly, apart from purchasing them outright, gold coins may also be obtained through Game Center or Google Play challenges, watching in-game advertisements, or finishing one-fourth of your series.

Which race in Real Racing 3 has the largest payout?

Some racing series and events in the game have better pays than others. Out of the many races, the one that has the biggest R$ bucks is the Endurance Kings but it is also a 27 minute race. Endurance Kings provide up to R$700,000 in winnings if you have a 100% bonus. However, the Classic Ferrari Showdown also has among the biggest rewards for a significantly shorter racing period and can give you almost R$166,000 using a 100% daily bonus.

What is the most expensive car in Real Racing 3?

It feels like McLaren's MP4-X is the most expensive car in the game from 308 cars because of its price of 1,200 gold coins. how to play real racing 3 multiplayer are essentially the premium money of the game and are very difficult to acquire. if you would like a faster way of getting coins, then you need to purchase some in the in-game shop and it will surely cost you real money. Basically, if you buy the McLaren MP4-X through only real money, then it will cost you more than USD 123.

What's Time Shifted Multiplayer in Real Racing 3?

Real Racing 3 has a unique feature which is the Time Shifted Multiplayer that enables players to finish with real people even when offline. Actually, offline games are between players and another participant's set time record which means that the opponents aren't in real time. Also, the cars in the race are now AIs that replicate the circumstances of the race vis-à-vis time records. Every player who will play offline will be able to experience this time altered mechanic.
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